Decoding Myself
Project Centric
Tech Project

My Tech project was about learning and implementing Python (which is a programming language). I created different games and tools using Python, and a GUI (Graphical User Interface) called Tkinter. I created a Guessing Game, Date Picker, Colour Picker, Die Roller, Calculator, Rock Paper Scissors game, 2-player Tic Tac Toe, and Snake Game. Along with this, I also conducted research by creating a form. It included questions like "What types of games do people like", "What according to them should a good game contain", "How much time do they spend playing games every day", and "Some examples of addictive games according to them". An overwhelming amount of students filled the form. This allowed me to create appropriate conclusions. By doing this, I improved my research skills. Apart from the research skills, I improved my Problem Solving skills and Creativity. And the ABC (Actions for Building Character) trait I worked on in this project was Determination. I've talked more about the skills and ABC trait I worked upon in the video.
Science Project

My Science Project is about Perpetual Motion Machines. The main purpose was to understand what they are and why don’t they work, by creating models and conducting experiments. I conducted research about the same in my Summer Challenge and organized my research findings on a website. I had mainly used only one source during that time. But in this project, I went deeper. In this project, l needed a clear understanding of the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics, and Friction. The outcome of my project Was my website, which served as an educational aid. For my experiments, I conducted 4 experiments, with Bhaskara’s Overbalanced Wheel, Robert Boyle’s Flask, Newton’s Cradle, and Pendulum.
Humanities Project (Fac-led)

This is my IH Fac-led Project. The topic is Quarantine Days. There are 4 groups, and the topic of our group is "World Government Responses". We researched about 3 countries: India, USA, and New Zealand. India's response to the COVID-19 Pandemic was moderate. It gave a too less too late response in the beginning, followed by a too much too soon. While the USA took the pandemic very lightly, and didn't take it seriously. USA didn't take any necessary precautions. The country's government was more concerned about the country's economy rather than the citizens. On the other hand, New Zealand was in a hard and early lockdown, successfully being the first country to overcome the COVID-19 Pandemic. It's an inspiration for countries all around the world.